Nursing Care In A Pregnant Adolescent With Urinary Tract Infection In A Barranquilla Clinic 2019-1

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Lastre Amell Gloria
Montenegro Rivera Carelys
Carmen Carrero González
Indiana Rojas Torres
Diana Rodríguez Villa
Jorge Rodríguez López
Maria Alejandra Orostegui
Mariela Suarez Villa
Yulis Adarraga Escorcia
Geraldine Blanco Marimon
Luz Doria Fontalvo
Saray Tapias López


The Nursing Care Process, defined as a systemic, organized, logical and sequential method, which allows providing effective, timely and precise interventions, which favor the satisfactory evolution of patients inside and outside health institutions Objective: Provide nursing care A pregnant adolescent with impaired urinary elimination in a level II clinic in Barranquilla 2019-1. Methodology: clinical case report of a 15-year-old pregnant woman who applied the nursing process from the point of view of Betty Neuman's theory with the support of family health instruments. Results: The primary nursing diagnosis was impaired urinary impairment R/C urinary tract infection, identifying it according to a scale of 1. Seriously compromised evidenced by frequent urination and urinary incontinence; having intervened on the patient according to her complaints, it went to a scale of 3. Moderately compromised. The other nursing diagnosis was ineffective protection, related to ineffective health self-management, evidenced by lack of knowledge about urinary infection and 15-year-old first-time pregnant, indicating a scale of 1. Seriously compromised, where the patient underwent a change of style of life to reduce the risk, passed to a scale of 4. Slightly compromised, evidencing improvement in his state of health. Conclusions: Care from the nursing care process favors quality care and with a comprehensive view of the subject, benefiting the patient's evolution.

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How to Cite
Lastre Amell Gloria, Montenegro Rivera Carelys, Carmen Carrero González, Indiana Rojas Torres, Diana Rodríguez Villa, Jorge Rodríguez López, … Saray Tapias López. (2024). Nursing Care In A Pregnant Adolescent With Urinary Tract Infection In A Barranquilla Clinic 2019-1. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine, 27(2S), 924–934. Retrieved from