Collaboration between Laboratory Teams and Nursing Staff to Improve Diagnostic and Therapeutic Efficiency in Hospitals

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Ahood Marie Maeed Al Moshera
Aisha Saleh Mohammed Asiri
Afnan Mohammed Abdullah Al-Shmmari
Sabreen Hamood Mohammed Aldawsary
Hamda Abdulrhman Ayed Aldraan
Awatif Dhaifallah Awam Alhazmi
Sarah Fahd Mohammed Al-Thumairy
Bishri Dhaifallah Awam Alhazmi
Khalil Ali Hussien Almalki
Rami Sultan Hussein Asiri
Ahmed Essa Abdu Tawhari
Hussam Mohammed Ahmed Munshet


Very critical in optimizing the diagnostic and therapeutic processes in a hospital are collaborations between laboratory teams and nursing staff. This encourages effective communication and information flow to ensure timely and accurate clinical decisions. Nurses are frontline caregivers who gather necessary information about the patients and perform care based on the findings of the laboratories, while laboratory professionals provide the precise diagnostic data that will lead to treatment. This cooperative interaction fosters patient outcomes and supports the multi-professional approach in health care. This partnership through high technology, evidence-based practice, and peer respect enables effective, advanced healthcare and focused patient care.

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