A Study of Inheritance of Palatal Rugae Pattern Amongst 3 Generations

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Priyanka Verma, Nidhi


Introduction- identification of human being can be a very tricky yet difficult process in forensic investigation. There were few common techniques that is being used prominently in identification processes those were DNA profiling, fingerprint analysis, dental casting etc., but considering all this what if forensic expect won’t find fingerprint right at the crime scene or don’t have time to run and conclude DNA typing result because its time consuming. For that reason, we could use palatal ridges for the identification purpose.

Materials and methods- The study consider to be of 11 families, 3 generation each, 11 x 3= 33 samples in total of the Punjab region of India. After taking consent to the respected subjects. Alginate impression was taken of the maxillary arch for analysing purposes. Further the obtained dental impression was marked by graphite sharp pencil with light hand movement and the observation were recorded.

Result - From the study it was concluded that the inheritance of palatal ridges pattern among three generation is 9.09% to 18.18% similarities and among generation 1st and 3rd 18.18% to 45.45% and among generation 1st and 2nd is 9.09% to 18.18% and 2nd and 3rd is 9.09% to 45.45% and dissimilarities among three generation is 18.18% to 63.63%. maximum percentage of inheritance in palatal ridges pattern showing 1st and 3rd generation.

Conclusion - This study concludes that palatal ridge pattern is inherited and it may be helps to determine the family lineage of an individual.

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How to Cite
Priyanka Verma. (2024). A Study of Inheritance of Palatal Rugae Pattern Amongst 3 Generations. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine, 27(1), 38–44. Retrieved from http://ijmtlm.org/index.php/journal/article/view/6