International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine

Print ISSN: 0972-0448

Online ISSN: 0974-4614

Number of issues per year: 4

Print frequency: Quarterly

Month(s) of publication: March, June, September and December

Journal E-mail:

Description: To disseminate scientific information in relation to medico-legal work among all desirous medical , research and legal persons. To create literature in the medico-legal , toxicology , forensic sciences , forensic medicine, crime scene investigation, biological investigations, public health , interdisciplinary medical investigations , and other related scientific fields. To promote scientific temperament in the nation building to enhance research and writing of scientific articles and experiences. To develop creativity and positive outlook among concerned professionals.

Indexing and abstracted with - SCOPUS, Indian Citation Index, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, SJIF, etc...


Our Mission

At IJMTLM, our mission is to provide a platform for researchers, clinicians, and professionals from around the globe to disseminate their latest findings, share insights, and engage in discourse aimed at improving patient care, advancing forensic science, and promoting public health.


Our journal covers a broad spectrum of topics related to medical toxicology and legal medicine, including but not limited to:

  • Clinical toxicology
  • Forensic toxicology
  • Poisoning and overdose management
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Analytical toxicology
  • Toxicological testing and methodologies
  • Drug interactions and adverse effects
  • Occupational and industrial toxicology
  • Ethical and legal aspects of toxicology and forensic medicine
  • Public Health
  • Interdisciplinary medical investigations
  • General Biology

Peer Review Process

We uphold the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity through a meticulous peer-review process. All submitted manuscripts undergo thorough evaluation by experts in the respective fields to ensure the validity, relevance, and originality of the research presented.

Our Commitment to Excellence

IJMTLM is committed to excellence in scholarly publishing. We strive to uphold the principles of transparency, objectivity, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our operations. Our editorial team works tirelessly to maintain the quality and relevance of the content published in our journal.

Print issues


Dear authors and readers,

We would like to inform you that the International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine ISSN:0972-0448E-ISSN:0974-4614 is now OPEN ACCESS. All articles published from January 2024 are now open access and available at the JOURNAL'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE:

Old print issues TILL 2023, are print-on-demand and available on

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Call for Papers


Call for Papers for the New Issue.

Last Date of Submission: November  30th, 2024

Vol. 28 No. 2s1 (2025)

Published: 2025-01-13

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